Awesome! The course will take you step by step through all the essential questions you need to answer to assure your idea can be a business.
You've got grit to get here! The course will walk you through everything you need now to do to sell more of it and prove you have product - market fit.
You're cooking with gas! We walk you through everything you need to know about scaling and building your business to a huge success.
Working with Brandon from TBP was amazing. He's great at articulating vision with the analytical chops to drive the business plan. Great span of experience and always finds the way to help you drive over, under, or through the hurdles.
Max W. Bio-Rad LaboratoriesBrandon from TBP is a walking business calculator. The numbers just roll out of him from market sizing to financing and growing your biz. He'll give you the straight answer based on the scenario. Plus, he's actually a successful serial entrepreneur too, so he's experiencing the same hurdles.
James C., Staq, CEO, Venture Funded Co. Staq